Monthly Archives: November 2019

Dr. Kim Renee Dunbar Leads Esteemed Texas A&M University-Based Research Group
For decades, Dr. Kim Renee Dunbar has helped further the international scientific community’s understanding of inorganic chemistry and has received several awards and titles honoring her contributions. From Texas A&M University, she leads the Dunbar Research Group and makes strides in the field of chemistry for current and future applications. Dr. Kim Renee Dunbar’s […]

American Chemical Society Bestows Kim Renee Dunbar with Distinguished Service Award
Kim Renee Dunbar is a world-renowned chemist and professor at Texas A&M University where she and her research team contribute landmark discoveries to the international scientific community. For her outstanding contributions to the study of inorganic chemistry, the American Chemical Society bestowed Dunbar with the prestigious Distinguished Service Award. A chemistry professor at Texas […]

First-Ever Ken and Nancy Long Chemistry Lecture Featured Kim Renee Dunbar as Guest Speaker
Across a career spanning decades of research, Kim Renee Dunbar has had a tremendous impact on the international scientific community’s understanding of inorganic chemistry. Recognized for her distinguished contributions to science, Dunbar was asked to be a guest speaker during Westminster College’s first inaugural Ken and Nancy Long Chemistry Lecture. Over the years, Kim […]