Monthly Archives: February 2020

Kim Renee Dunbar Has Improved the International Understanding of Topics in Inorganic Chemistry for More Than 30 Years
As a leading chemist from Texas A&M University, Kim Renee Dunbar alters the international scientific community’s understanding of critical topics in chemistry, especially inorganic chemistry. She’s served in a number of roles at many respected institutions in her career and has earned many distinctions for her outstanding contributions spanning more than three decades. Kim […]

Kim Renee Dunbar Invited to Speak at Inaugural Chemistry Lecture at Westminster College
The Ken and Nancy Long Chemistry Lecture has been a major event at Westminster College for more than a decade, assembling some of the greatest minds in chemistry to share their insights on critical subjects. Renowned chemist Kim Renee Dunbar of Texas A&M University was invited to speak during the inaugural event in 2008, setting […]