Monthly Archives: March 2019

Texas A&M Sees First Female Chair In the College of Science at Texas A&M University with Kim Renee Dunbar
Kim Renee Dunbar became the first female chair holder in the College’s history Texas A&M University Chemistry Professor Dr. Kim R. Dunbar was appointed as a Davidson Professor of Science and holder of the Davidson Chair in Science according to an announcement by Dr. H. Joseph Newton, dean of Texas A&M’s College of Science […]

Texas A&M Chemist Kim Renee Dunbar One of the United States Most Recognized Chemists
Texas A&M Chemist Kim Renee Dunbar One of the United States Most Recognized Chemists Over her decades long career in chemistry Kim Renee Dunbar has seen global success and recognition Kim Renee Dunbar joined the faculty of Department of Chemistry of Texas A&M in 1999 after serving on the faculty at Michigan State University […]

2012 a Big Year for Texas A&M Chemist Kim Renee Dunbar
Kim Renee Dunbar received numerous awards and recognitions in 2012 adding to an illustrious career in Chemistry An international expert in synthetic and physical inorganic chemistry, Dunbar joined the Texas A&M Department of Chemistry in 1999 after serving a number of years on the faculty at Michigan State University. In 2004, she was named a […]

Texas A&M Chemist Kim Dunbar Earns 2015 American Chemical Society Award
Distinguished Texas A&M Chemist Kim Renee Dunbar Earns 2015 (ACS) American Chemical Society Award for Excellence in Chemistry Globally recognized Texas A&M chemist and distinguished professor of chemistry, Kim Renee Dunbar, and her colleague Dr. Vickie M. Williamson, instructional assistant professor of chemistry, were selected to receive 2015 ACS Awards for outstanding achievements in the field […]

Kim Renee Dunbar Plenary Speaks at Congreso Nacional de Educación Química
Chemist Kim Renee Dunbar Plenary Speaker at Congreso Nacional de Educación Química 2013 World-renowned chemist Kim Renee Dunbar gives Plenary speech at the 32nd National Congress of Chemical education in Guanajuato Mexico The Chemical Society of Mexico, AC and the University of Guanajuato invited students, professors, researchers such as Kim Renee Dunbar and industrial […]